Saturday, July 5, 2008

Our Boy Scout is off to camp!

This week Marshall was off to Lake Monroe at Boy Scout camp. Mark and I went out on Parent Night Wednesday night to see him and his set up. Personally, I thought it looked like a bomb went off in his tent, however before I expressed my opinion one of the assistant scout masters made a quick notation to us that he had just finished cleaning it up................yep! That's Marshall!!

We enjoyed seeing our son, but truthfully, we couldn't wait to get back home! (note to self....fight husband for the shower first!) Neither of us are campers nor the woodsy type. Holiday Inn is roughing it!

I honestly don't think the kid could have gotten any dirtier than he was today when I picked him up. I feared for what might be in the duffle that came home with him. But, all was poor washing machine!



JoAnn said...

Time to start packing!! Make sure to blog at WDW!


Lucy said...

roughing it at Holiday Inn....we are SO ALIKE!